Case Study
How a Mobile Gaming Company Achieved 99.99% App Availability & Seamless Performance
Industry: Gaming
Business Goals:
- Build a scalable and highly available gaming infastructure
- Ensure seamless App performance
Business Challenges
- Lean IT team which lacked the expertise to keep up with the pace of cloud operations.
- Limited visibility and control over cloud costs.
- Lack of exposure to industry best practices.
After careful evaluation, they decided to use CoreStack and built these solutions:
- Streamlined operations by automating
- Monitoring and remediation to ensure high availability especially when the concurrent usage is high. Used ML-based predictions for key operations metrics
- Back-ups, archival, disaster recovery, and scheduled start & stop of resources
- Tagging of resources and tag-based group actions
- Easily integrated with other IT automation tools such as Zabbix & CHEF Cookbooks
- Actionable insights and continuous recommendations on cost optimization
The Results
- Achieved an Availability of 99.99% for the Cricket Gaming Apps
- Achieved seamless performance of the Gaming Apps during unpredicted peak demand time
- 8x growth in optimized AWS cloud consumption in 3 years to support high business growth
- Using CoreStack’s unique ‘Connectorless’ model, rapidly on-boarded AWS Lambda service tied to governance within days instead of weeks
App Availability
Growth in AWS Cloud Consumption
Lambda Rapid On-boarding